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English Pronunciation Dictionary

Refine your pronunciation of pronounce with our free online dictionary. Our native speakers' recordings feature English and American spellings and ...

Free Online English Pronunciation Dictionary

Learn How to Pronounce English Words | Natural Recordings by Native Speakers.

Howjsay Pronunciation on the App Store

Howsay accurate and clear. When it comes to pronunciation, the internet is the Wild West. They just take a few people and have them say the word and ...


1. /j/, not /ʤ/. Many Spanish speakers pronounce you and yes as /ʤuː/ and /ʤes/ (or something similar). It's like saying ...

J | Pronunciation in English

J pronunciation. How to say J. Listen to the audio pronunciation in English. Learn more.


J-Say allows you to dictate text into almost any application and have the text echoed back. In the event that Dragon itself is unable to communicate directly ...


J-Say Pro provides improved interoperability for Dragon NaturallySpeaking Professional speech recognition and JAWS For Windows screen reading technology.

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
